
BloomchemAG believes in conducting business with integrity and a strong sense of responsibility. We adhere to all applicable laws and regulations in our operations. Our commitment to personal and professional integrity fosters a culture of trust and transparency, essential for sustainable growth.

Consequently, we seek partners who share our values and operate with similar ethical standards. This approach aligns with BloomchemAG's vision, mission, and values and supports our sustainable development goals.

To emphasize the importance of our expectations, we have developed this BloomchemAG Code of Conduct for Business Partners (the "Code"). It outlines the ethical business practices we expect from suppliers, vendors, contractors, traders, consultants, and agents (collectively, "Business Partners"). Adherence to this Code is a prerequisite for establishing a business relationship with BloomchemAG. The Code complements, but does not replace, any contractual agreements.

This Code serves as a guide for fostering long-term cooperation and mutual success. Should you have any questions, please contact your BloomchemAG representative.

Mr. Rajesh Sethi
CEO, BloomchemAG

General Compliance

BloomchemAG conducts business with integrity and expects its business partners to uphold fundamental human and labor rights, equal treatment, and non-discrimination. Business partners must comply with all applicable laws and regulations. In cases where this Code conflicts with the law, the stricter standard always prevails.

Business partners must establish robust management systems to ensure compliance with this Code, equivalent standards, and relevant laws. These systems should align with the partner’s size, complexity, and risk profile. To safeguard the integrity of the BloomchemAG-business partner relationship, all conflicts of interest must be avoided

Business Ethics


Business partners must adhere to all national and international competition laws. They are prohibited from engaging in any discussions, agreements, or practices with competitors that could restrict competition. This includes activities such as price-fixing, market allocation, bid rigging, or any other actions that could harm fair competition.


A steadfast commitment to superior product quality and exceptional service delivery is paramount. All offerings must adhere to stringent safety standards, legal requirements, and specified guidelines. Customers deserve, and will receive, truthful, reliable, and transparent information about our products and services.


BloomchemAG’s intellectual property must be protected and treated with care by business partners. Similarly, business partners must respect the intellectual property rights of others.

Human & Labour Rights


Business partners must uphold and respect internationally recognized human rights. They are responsible for preventing any involvement in human rights abuses. Business partners must identify, assess, and mitigate risks associated with human rights violations within their operations.

Discrimination of any kind is prohibited. All employees must be treated fairly and equitably based on their qualifications and abilities. Employment decisions, like hiring, promotions, compensation, benefits, training, and termination, must be free from bias.

Employee privacy must be respected. Any behavior that is sexual, coercive, threatening, abusive, or exploitative is strictly forbidden.


BloomchemAG is committed to eradicating modern slavery, forced labor, child labor, and human trafficking. We adhere to all internationally recognized human rights as outlined in this Code. Business partners must not engage in or benefit from any form of forced or involuntary labor, including prison labor, slavery, or servitude.

Child labor is strictly prohibited. Business partners must not employ individuals under the age of 15 (or 14 where permitted by ILO conventions, or the legal minimum age if higher). The rights of young workers (under 18) must be protected from exploitation and harmful working conditions that impede their education and development.

Employee privacy must be respected. Any behavior that is sexual, coercive, threatening, abusive, or exploitative is strictly forbidden.


Business partners must comply with all applicable labor laws, regulations, and industry standards. They must adhere to the strictest requirements in terms of working hours and wages.


As a BloomchemAG Business Partner, you must strictly adhere to all applicable labor laws governing the employment of young workers under the age of 18. Child labor is strictly prohibited on your premises. All operations must comply with the International Labour Organization’s regulations on underage work.

Compliance: Reporting, Verification, & Records


It is mandatory for suppliers to uphold all financial documents, including books, records, and accounts, in compliance with relevant laws, regulations, and generally accepted accounting standards. It also covers data and paperwork connected to all payments made to government authorities or entities, product traceability, employee safety, and any other obligations.


In order to ensure compliance with this Supplier Code, we require Suppliers to assess their own operations as well as the operations of the supply chain that delivers goods to BloomchemAG. In order to verify compliance, suppliers will work with and permit BloomchemAG or our authorised third party to undertake audits, including social accountability audits.


Suppliers who have concerns about the safety of our products or who think that one of our employees or someone working on our behalf has acted illegally, unethically, or improperly must report these issues right away to our finance departments and CEO respectively at, and


As a BloomchemAG Business Partner, you must strictly adhere to all applicable labor laws governing the employment of young workers under the age of 18. Child labor is strictly prohibited on your premises. All operations must comply with the International Labour Organization’s regulations on underage work.


Our primary objective is to safeguard our products from misuse. To achieve this, we strictly comply with all relevant laws and regulations, including trade controls, embargoes, anti- terrorism measures, and other restrictions designed to prevent product diversion.


BloomchemAG maintains a strict zero- tolerance policy towards bribery and corruption. We recognize that these practices hinder sustainable development and fair competition. As such, we prohibit the offering or acceptance of any form of undue payments in our business dealings.


The partner must implement robust measures to prevent the inadvertent acceptance of payments derived from illegal activities. Any instance of money laundering is considered a severe breach of this agreement.

Audit Rights

BloomchemAG reserves the right to conduct audits, including confidential employee interviews, to verify business partners' compliance with this Code. Business partners must provide an annual written assurance, using a BloomchemAG-approved format, detailing their compliance efforts. This assurance should address environmental impact, labor practices, human rights, and anti-corruption measures.

BloomchemAG may request information from business partners without on-site visits. Third-party audits are permitted only with explicit business partner consent.


Business partners must promptly notify BloomchemAG of any instances or suspected violations of this Code, including those committed by sub-suppliers. Failure to report such violations constitutes a breach of this Code. Any violation of this Code is considered a material breach of existing or future agreements with Bloomchemag.

Health & Safety

Business partners must prioritize the health and safety of all workers. Occupational safety and health should be integrated into all business processes from the planning stage onward. Business partners must provide comprehensive training to educate employees about health and safety matters.

All employees must actively promote a safe and healthy work environment and comply with relevant regulations.

Business partners must conduct regular risk assessments, implement measures to mitigate identified risks, and establish effective occupational health and safety management systems to track and report incidents. Essential personal protective equipment must be provided free of charge to all employees, along with proper training on its use.



The business partner must implement procedures to safely handle, transport, store, recycle, reuse, and manage all materials and waste. Any waste generated or substances released into the environment must be minimized and properly treated to protect human health. Waste disposal must comply with the Basel Convention on hazardous waste. The business partner should prevent pollution and optimize the use of resources like energy, water, and raw materials.


The business partner must use a management system (like ISO 9001) to control operations, adhering to safety standards. Risk assessments should be conducted for facilities as needed. Preventive measures are in place to protect against incidents such as chemical spills or explosions.

Our Code of Conduct going forward

Dear Business Partner,

Sustainability and ethical conduct are fundamental to BloomchemAG’s business operations. We believe that strong values and high ethical standards are essential for building trust with customers, employees, communities, and business partners like you.

To ensure alignment with our commitments, we have developed this Code of Conduct for Business Partners. This document outlines the ethical expectations we have for all our suppliers, customers, and intermediaries.

We operate in a complex global environment, and this Code provides guidance to uphold our high ethical standards consistently. We expect our business partners to prioritize human rights, fair labor practices, and employee safety. Additionally, we expect you to implement measures to minimize your business’s environmental impact.

By adhering to this Code, you contribute to our shared goal of conducting business responsibly

Thank you for your commitment to our shared values.

Mr. Rajesh Sethi
CEO, BloomchemAG